Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, New Day

Another year, 2014 has come. As we celebrated the New Years Day with joy. We welcome the another year with hopes, abundance and new plans to make. Making the first day the beginning of doing our New year resolution. Putting up things in planning and doing this with discipline for it to be possible. Because for me I  believe that if I start it in a first day, I can continually make it in the whole year.

Listing down plans. Plans to make, a plan to change, a plan to start up, and plans to continue doing it well and making it more better this time.  What are the plans I will make. I want to be more discipline towards financial for I knew that in the past year I been much with spending money without saving for the future.  That is why this year saving money "for the rainy days" (as my past coworkers told me) will be better. Doing this I have something for emergency expenses. Plan to change, financial attitude is first thing to change, plans are already set ups. Plans to start up, its been a year since I went to places where I been before. Maybe this time is a proper time to go back on it and start reminisce all the memory and experience it brought that serves to be my stepping stone to move forward. People I met that taught me lessons that sometimes I found it very helpful as a growing individual. Life was really putting you in place that you didn't choose. Putting in you in many situation that challenge you and making you weak thingking that you can't make it. Reality face the truth that no matter situation or challenges came in to your life all those things are happening for a reason. That is why life is more challenging and worthy to live with. Last, Plans to be more better this new year. My professor in college once told me, What do you want to be after your college? The first thing to come in to my mind was to have a good career because I have a good education received. But he told me all of those things are worthless because you don't know the real value of life you have. Then he told me "Son, life is more happy to live with if you aim to be a better person for yourself after you gain the education you want " be a blessing to other people tell them the path you been through, for them they might get learn from it.

Doing good things is very important today. For we see all the signs that the world is facing into its more difficult situation. We experience a huge impact of poverty that we cannot stop. Calamity that we dont expect.  We need to pray and be more positive thinker today. Believe that  we can pass this all. Thank you again for reading Happy New Year.

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