Friday, August 1, 2014

Life is Life

It's been a month's since my last post and I really miss to write another one page for my blog. To start updating myself. I have been busy for the last month of my post to be exactly was last April. I had my birthday that month I invited some of my closest friends to celebrate and I didn't expect what surprises me. Friends that have been long years since we last saw each others. For that reason, I must say my friends are always there they are not gone even we don't see each other for a long time. Day's has past, month's past buy, but the flow of my everyday activity flows smoothly as I always wanted. Problems are there as I always expected and nothing to worried about.Believing that God is always there to protect me. He brought all the test on me to see my strength and I want that test will not detest me and failed me. I want it to be my strength so if I will encounter it on my way again, I will be stronger than ever before. God is real, God is true, God lives within us.He gave us all the things we need to survive even when we are not yet asking for it. Sometimes I thought, He was not there for me because I felt the feeling of being alone. But when I ask for his mercy and help I suddenly feel that hug in my heart telling me that I'm not alone. God is good.He didn't bring destruction all that he wanted was the best for his creation. The best thing I learned is to look after him, especially in the times that no one can understand what we feel. Life is full mystery and honestly I enjoyed it. This makes me stronger and better person as the years goes by. Thanks again for reading hope it really inspires us.

Courtesy of the internet.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Catching insects

     I remember my childhood days when I use to catch insects. Dragonfly, butterfly , beatles and grasshopper. Dragonfly with different colors and sizes well I really enjoy it. I also catch butterfly different colors white and yellow catch more often . During that day I thought that it really brought good luck and some of my mature friends told me it is the spirit of my died love ones was in the butterfly watching us that's why they are there. I also use to catch beetles and grasshoppers. The thought of all the old days when I use to do it. I hopped in the grass like a grasshopper and act very free like butterflies. I felt once I was a kid before and lucky to be free. I miss those days where my only problem is how to go out to play and catch insects. I hope life is like a kid away from the problem. Life to be like butterflies that fly everywhere without problems and responsibility. I hope life is not always complicated.

 I had my toothache.

      I always make sure of myself that I will brush my teeth after I eat and before I go to bed at night. I always have my regular check up from my dentist just to insure that I have a good oral health. I have my oral cleaning twice a year. I have my regular check up from my dentist every six months to make sure that my tooth is doing well. The truth here because I love eating and it will not far more it is possible that I will get tooth problem. So the day come I had my toothache. Actually tooth-ache that I have is not because I have tooth decay. I felt this very sharp pain in my left molar.I don't know why this happens. I ask my dentist about it. I made my dental filling because she said that my old tooth with filling is already broken so the procedure took place. She prescribed me with medicine that I need to drink to avoid infection and to remove the pain I have before. She gave me antibiotics and pain reliever. But days come but still the pain was there. The sharp pain from drinking or eating , hot or cold food. I started to replace my toothpaste and toothbrush to be sure that the pain that I have will be fading away. After a week of suffering from pain finally it stops.Until now I enjoy eating without the doubt that the pain will come back again. But of course discipline should always there. Thanks again for reading.

    I was wondering one day when I thought of my age. I ask myself am I old or too young for my age. Flashback, when I was a kid I also thought of my age. I am in the house window that time looking very curious to my neighborhood also like a guy like me but the only difference is they are all in their age of adulthood. I was thinking then that they are too lucky because they can do whatever they want to do because they are in their proper aged. I ask myself then when was the time will it happen, then I promise to myself I will enjoy that day when it come to me. I'm here now to the aged I'm waiting.Did I really enjoy it? Yes it is, but the responsibility, the obligation is now there accompanied to us because we are already matured. But the only thing matters now is to enjoy every single day of it and never mind the number adding in our age. Don't waste it but rather make everyday as the best days of our life.

Friday, March 28, 2014



Camera a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, movie film, or video signals. Yes, I know, and all of you know what is camera. But is it really important thing?.  Now a days camera is quite being often used in capturing great moment.  Many news has been featured and published using camera from their mobile phone. Familiar with the selfie. According to  TIME , selfie, courtesy of the internet.  Makati and Pasig City ranked as the top cities in the world who's doing the selfie. Well. more detail you can read on the link.

I just want to share this conversation with my sister one night we talk about camera. She told me that if we ever had a camera before so I ask her why? She also told me if we ever had more captured picture during our childhood. So  I think maybe she is looking for more photos, but sad to say only few are left because of the damage did by typhoon.  So you better ask what did I response to her. I said we had camera before but not often we had a chance to use it because of the film. Those gadgets before needs film in order to capture images. Thanks for the new technology we had now, because we can use our mobile phone in capturing images.  So question is being answered to her. Case closed. To answer my question in the first paragraph In my own opinion if it is important? Yes a big yes.  Photographs brought back old memories of happiness even in the sadness part of our life.

So we better start to collect memories by capturing moments that we might treasure in every single day of our life. So when we grow old we have something to share. Thanks again from reading. Start now our selfie.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I titled this blog post jeepney . But anyway , let me tell you  , well courtesy of the internet a definition of it ,so not in my own word you can really understand.  Now here we go , Jeepneys are the most popular means of public transportation in the Philippines . They are known for their crowded seating and kitsch decorations , which have become an ubiquitous symbol of Philippine culture and art . So I hope it is clear now to you my beloved reader .

Well , to make this blog a little significant I want to share to you the experienced I had this morning when I got to work . First , jeepney is my means of transportation going to work everyday and then bus . Sitting in the drivers seat is my favorite seat. When I'm riding a jeepney . I encounter a driver who is really respectful and a little comedy because of his tone of voice , what really caught my attention is the raise this morning that he is with " He say's I'm on speed because I need to catch up the TOP 10." . So it is clear now to me that mind saying is confirmed that I'm on a race . Sound really exciting that Im in a race , because I want to know how fast he can make it to beat the other jeepney driver who races their jeepney . Take notes he did it well and in addition to that he make it very safe . To think that , we are almost twenty passengers that he needs to be transport in our destination . I want to share with you, who the jeepney driver face look like , he was in his early 60's but he did it well . Imagine that , despite of the aged he is very careful and drives like a young man .

Once again thanks for reading this post hope it will sounds interesting while you are reading . Share to you the picture of jeepney courtesy again by the internet .


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


     “Don’t confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am. My attitude depends on who you are.” ― Frank Ocean. I took this quote from the internet showing the difference of attitude and personality.

     Personality is what I have grown to. I learned it from the very start of my life when I started to learn things. They say that our parents are the one responsible in creating us a good character especially our mother who is always there for us since when we are kids. They taught us different thing from the very simple question that we ask up two things that we need to learn. But sometimes how a little kid ends up from having a bad character despite of the patient that the parent brought to them. Environment I presumed. No matter how good personality we have and the people surrounded us don't have. How are we going to react?. Things like that crosses my mind always. I try to reach out for them. Maybe because there is something they are being with too. I don't know the situation. Maybe it is a bad timing. Reasons for we cannot understand each other.

     Respect is very simple I think. For me, understanding other situation will be a good act of respect. Learn to be in their shoes, for we will understand the things they are with. Many times in my life I encounter that. How I will going to respect you, if you don't know how to respect back. Life can be a very simple journey for all of us, since I think only if we can understand things around us. Thank you again for reading.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, New Day

Another year, 2014 has come. As we celebrated the New Years Day with joy. We welcome the another year with hopes, abundance and new plans to make. Making the first day the beginning of doing our New year resolution. Putting up things in planning and doing this with discipline for it to be possible. Because for me I  believe that if I start it in a first day, I can continually make it in the whole year.

Listing down plans. Plans to make, a plan to change, a plan to start up, and plans to continue doing it well and making it more better this time.  What are the plans I will make. I want to be more discipline towards financial for I knew that in the past year I been much with spending money without saving for the future.  That is why this year saving money "for the rainy days" (as my past coworkers told me) will be better. Doing this I have something for emergency expenses. Plan to change, financial attitude is first thing to change, plans are already set ups. Plans to start up, its been a year since I went to places where I been before. Maybe this time is a proper time to go back on it and start reminisce all the memory and experience it brought that serves to be my stepping stone to move forward. People I met that taught me lessons that sometimes I found it very helpful as a growing individual. Life was really putting you in place that you didn't choose. Putting in you in many situation that challenge you and making you weak thingking that you can't make it. Reality face the truth that no matter situation or challenges came in to your life all those things are happening for a reason. That is why life is more challenging and worthy to live with. Last, Plans to be more better this new year. My professor in college once told me, What do you want to be after your college? The first thing to come in to my mind was to have a good career because I have a good education received. But he told me all of those things are worthless because you don't know the real value of life you have. Then he told me "Son, life is more happy to live with if you aim to be a better person for yourself after you gain the education you want " be a blessing to other people tell them the path you been through, for them they might get learn from it.

Doing good things is very important today. For we see all the signs that the world is facing into its more difficult situation. We experience a huge impact of poverty that we cannot stop. Calamity that we dont expect.  We need to pray and be more positive thinker today. Believe that  we can pass this all. Thank you again for reading Happy New Year.